Sermons by Mike Fritscher

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How We Lay Aside Fear & Find Victory!


How David Laid Aside Fear/ How We Lay Aside Fear: Psalm 27 1st He Declared: I will Not Fear, I Will Be Confident: 1-3 2nd He Chose the One Thing; The Presence of the Lord: 4,8 8 When You said, “Seek My face” my heart said to You, “Your face O Lord, I shall Seek! […]

Laying Aside Worry Over Lack!


Laying Aside Worry Over Lack! Luke 12:22-31 Jesus Says: Stop Worrying About Your Life and Don’t Start Worrying About Your Life! 1st Believe that Your Heavenly Father Values You, Cares For You and will Always Provide Everything You Need in this Life: 28 2nd Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and All […]

We Will Not Fear: Psalm 46


We Will Not Fear: Psalm 46 Fear is always based on the Assumption of Loss: Worry is always based on the Assumption of Lack: 1. We Will Not Fear because who Our Great God Is! God is our Refuge and Strength a very present help in Trouble: V 1 2. The Holy Spirit Makes Us […]

Laying Aside the Weight of Worry!


Laying Aside the Weight of Worry: Matthew 6:25-34 Worry and Anxiety: The Stress that comes upon you that say’s you will never have enough and that you will never be enough: stress that comes upon you that says you’ll never have enough. Matthew 6:25-34 Worry and Anxiety Exposes A Faith Issue: Stop Worrying!: 25-20 Food: […]

The Night Jesus was Betrayed, We Remember!


The Night Jesus was Betrayed We Remember: 1 Cor 11:23-31 He Loved to the End: John 13:1-17 ¬ He served His Disciples: 5-9 ¬ He served His betrayer: 10-11 Matthew 5:43-49: Loving Even Your Enemies: ¬ He Gave a Clear Directive – Serve One another! 14 ¬ He Gave the Key to Happiness! (Hearing and […]

Running the Race by Faith: Jesus Our Example


Running the Race by Faith: Jesus Our Example Hebrews 12:1-4 Question: Will You Finish Strong? Jesus Finishes Your Faith: How You Start is How You Finish and How You Keep Going! 1st The Cloud of Witnesses: Our Encouragement: They Lived by Faith & Did Not Shrink Back To Destruction: Our Certainty: By Faith they Conquered […]

Running the Race by Faith!


Running the Race by Faith: Hebrews 12:1-4 Question: Have Begun This Race? Jesus Authors Your Faith! Question: How You Know You Are in the Race You Love the Brethren: 1 John 3:13-20 Question: Will You Finish Strong? Jesus Finishes Your Faith! How You Start is How You Finish and How You Keep Going! As You […]

Running the Race: Finishing Strong!


Running the Race: Finishing Strong! Hebrews 12:1-4 Question: Have Begun This Race? Jesus Authors Your Faith! Question: How You Know You Are in the Race ¬ You Love the Brethren: 1 John 3:13-20 1 John 4:20 If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does […]