It Happened at Night
A Day of Renewal – Session #2 John 3
A Day of Renewal – Session #2 John 3
A Day of Renewal – Session #1 Luke 5:12
Dr Joel Gregory Session #4 9. The Power and Impotence of Words in Proverbs The impact of words 18:14; 12:18b; 25 The harmful scope of words 6:14; 16:27b Never substitute for actions 14:23 The value of reticence 17:28 10. Numerical Sayings 30 Four insatiable things 30:15-16 Four things that incite wonder 30:18-19 Four things that […]
Dr Joel Gregory Session #3 7. The Sluggard in Proverbs The absurdity of his excuses 22:13; 26:13 Revolving in one place 26:14 Incarcerated in inertia 26:15; 19:24 “Not takin’ care of bidness” 24:30-34 8. The FRiend in Proverbs Saying “no” to a friend 6:1-5 Saying “yes” to a friend 3:27-28 The reliability of a friend […]
Dr Joel Gregory Session #2 5. God in Proverbs A sense of sin 20:9 An offer of grace 28:13 God and your plans 19:21 God and your fears 29:25 6. The Fool in Proverbs A Case Study 7 The horizon of the fool 17:24 The obsession of the fool 26:11 The danger of the fool […]
Dr Joel Gregory Session#1 Introduction 1. The Genre – Third Viewpoint 2. The Parallelisms Synonymous Antithetical Synthetic Comparison Similitude Numerical 3. The Movements 1:1-9:18 Stories 10:1-22:16 “One-liners” 22:17-24:34 Different Viewpoints 25-29 Collections from Others 30:1-31:31 Numerical Some Representative Themes in Proverbs 1. The Ubiquity of Wisdom at Home and Everywhere -1 At home 1:8 In […]
James: Christianity in Real Shoe Leather Dr. Joel C. Gregory Session #4 VII. Presumption and Perversion (4:13-5:6) A. Mistaken Merchants (4:13-17) 1. Perilous Planning (4:13) 2. Future Frailty (4:14) 3. Careful Contingency (4:15) 4. A Warning (4:16-17) B. Reprimanded Rich (5:1-6) 1. Brace Yourselves! (5:1) 2. Rotted Riches (5:2-3) 3. Money Talks! (5:4) 4. Stop […]
James: Christianity in Real Shoe Leather Dr. Joel C. Gregory Session #3 V. Taming the Tongue (3:1-18) A. The Tongue and the Teacher (3:1-2) B. Small But Strong (3:3-5) C. A Wheel on Fire (3:6) D. The Tameless Tongue (3:7-8) E. The Unparalleled Contradiction (3:9-12) F. Words and Wisdom (3:13-18) 1. Practical Wisdom (3:13) 2. […]
James: Christianity in Real Shoe Leather Dr. Joel C. Gregory Session #2 III. Warning Against Partiality (2:1-13) A. Everybody is Somebody (2:1-5) 1. Partiality 2. Have a seat, please (2:2-3) 3. The Judges judged (2:4) 4. God’s poor people (2:5) B. Honor for the dishonorable? (2:6-7) C. All or Nothing (2:8-13) 1. The King of […]
James: Christianity in Real Shoe Leather Dr. Joel C. Gregory Session #1 I. Tests of a Vital Faith (1:1-18) A. James – the brother of Jesus B. God’s scattered people C. Testing times (1:2-4) 1. Realize the reaction of a Christian 2. Reaffirm the reason for trials D. Wisdom – the resource for testing times […]