The Lord is Moved by the Prayer of His People


2 Samuel 24:1-25 2 Samuel 24:25 The Lord was moved by prayer for the land and the plague was held back from Israel. What is the Number One need in your life/family that you are asking God to move in? ______________________. 1st Sin Has it’s Beginnings with Listening to Voices other than God’s: 1-9 1 […]

Proximity & Attention Determine Everything


Proximity and Attention Determine Everything Act 17:22-27 The Greeks were far away from the only God that mattered… the unknown God. So close yet so far. • Paul’s Closeness to God Galatians 2:20 Philippians 1:21 All the Christians were begging Paul to not go to Jerusalem because of what awaited Him. Act 21:13 • Examples […]

Compassion Ignites the Work of God


Compassion Ignites the Work of God: Exodus 34:6-7 Intro: God’s Work Is Ignited by Compassion: Compassion Ignites the Work of God! Compassionate: the verb: to love deeply, have mercy, have tender affection, have compassion Gracious: The Verb: to stoop in kindness. To be inclined to in a very favorable way. Slow to Anger: Patient, slow […]

One Way or the Other


One Way or the Other: Matthew 7:13-29 1st One Way To Eternal Life: In Life: 13-14 • The Other Way: Broad Way – That Leads to Destruction: A John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have {it} abundantly. Galatians 6:7-8 – […]

What’s Your “This”?


What’s Your “This”? Matthew 9:27-30 1st Two Needful Men: 2nd Two Needful Men who Believe: • In Jesus: Son of David If you are in Christ You know Jesus: Who He is and what he comes to do: You know that He is: Psalm 86:15 But You, O Lord are a God merciful and gracious, […]

Finding Peace Only in the Prince of Peace


Finding Peace Only in The Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6-7 1st The Son Given is the Light of the World: 1-2 2nd The Son Given Is Called…… Wonderful Counselor: He Counsels You Unto Life. Mighty God: There is No Other: Eternal Father The Prince of Peace: Isaiah 9:7 There will be no end to the […]