A Godly Response to A Horrible Report! Nehemiah 1 and 2
Story of the 1857 Global Revival by One Man’s Action: Jeremiah Lanphier
God Uses Every One of His Children to Make a Difference In His Kingdom:
Everyone in Christ Wants to Make A Difference in the Kingdom!
1st The Horrible Report of the Plight of God’s People! 1:1-3
Great Distress: The word is Bad: Worst than, Bad, Wicked, Evil
Adversity, injury misery. And it’s not just bad it is exceedingly bad.
Reproach: Scorn, taunted, Shame
The Wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are consumed with Fire.
2nd A Godly Response:
Psalm 4:3 But Know that the Lord has set a part the godly man for Himself. The Lord Hears When I Call.
Godly – Compassionate, Gracious. Excellent and Kind
Opposite: Critical and Uncaring, Selfish, Rude and Mean
1) Burdened Never Critical!
Compassion Reflects God!
Compassion Ignites God’s Work:
Compassion Breeds a Burden, and a burden will always breed some sort of Godly action:
2) Prayerful Never Prayer-less!
Nehemiah Prays and He Never Stops!
• A Godward Request! 4-5
• A Humble Request! 6-7
• An Appealing Request! 8-9
• A Specific Request! 10-11
• A Persevering Request! 2:1-4
3) Full of Vision! – Never Be Visionless! 5-
Nehemiah 2:12 And I arose in the night, I and a few men with me. I did not tell anyone what my God was putting into my mind to do for Jerusalem…
God is Putting on my mind to do this: __________________
for ____________________ to make an incredible difference in their lives.
4) Declare the Vision! 2:17-20
Nehemiah 2:17 Then I said to them, “You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned with fire. Come, Let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem sot that we will not longer be a reproach”
5) Do The Vision!
52 Days As Governor of Jerusalem and Does it
¬ Discouraging Sarcasm
¬ Enemy Attacks
¬ DisUnity Within
¬ False Accusations
Ezra Reads the Law: 8:5-12
Nehemiah 8:10 Do Not Be grieved for the ly of the Lord is your strength