January 26, 2013
Paul Chooses the One Thing!
Mike Fritscher

Philippians 3:1-16

Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet, but one thin I do, forgetting what lies behind, and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of god in Christ Jesus!

Principle 1: Know Who You, Do What You Are!

Principle 2: The Greatest thing In Your Life is Knowing Christ!

I. Forget What Lies Behind!


Failures: 1 Timothy 1:12-17

Circumstances: Good or Bad! Acts 16:16-24

II. Reach Forward to What Lies Ahead!

Hebrews 12:1-3 (Romans 8:28-31)

Acts 16:25 – How Paul Looked Forward!

III. Have This Attitude! This Kind of Focus